Talk about using space wisely!

Motivational game developing video:

A funny skit for the new year:

Very amusing video!

UPDATE: Article of the making of: Wired Article on Ok Go Rube Goldberg machine

First off, while this video has already been heavily circulated, it is still adorable:

To make you think, a video essay on video gaming versus cinema:

And amusing, a functioning house of legos:

If only the BBC clips were available in the US :/

And if you’re curious about what’s in Mario’s closet: Mario’s Closet

Happy Holidays!

Amusing webcomic (be sure to let it load the whole way – comic 200) and in Youtube form for your convenience!

Even if you don’t follow the Touhou fandom, the video in itself is entertaining and amazingly well done. After doing the cosplay last year with a friend (Reimu and Marisa), I was even able to pick out the majority of the characters just based upon the shadows used in this video. The particulars and details of each character is great!


I don’t think it requires more explaination than: Wow.

I saw this on and thought it was too cute and amusing not to share. So here’s the embedded video of Google Japan’s take on How Google Street View works. Enjoy.

Saw this on another blog and couldn’t believe it. It gave me goosebumps 🙂

It would be amazing to participate in, or if only to watch. How amazing is it!?